A Primary Care Physician is a doctor that will take care of your basic medical needs.

A Specialist is a doctor that has expertise in specific areas of medicine.

Click here to see our list of Laboratories and locations available to you through ICPMG.

Our walk-in clinic is ready to serve you. Click on the button bellow for more information.
ICPMG is Hiring!
If you’re an experienced Medical Assistant in both the front and back office duties, we need you!
Call us at (760) 344-7976

See me at ICPMG!
Dr. Clara Padron-Spence is now seeing patients at the ICPMG Clinic!
Monday through Thrusday
7:30 am to 5:00 pm
7:30 am to 1:00pm
Information About COVID-19
Our physicians and clinics can help you if you or a family member are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or are concerned you may have been exposed to the virus. Our walk-in clinic located at 1503 Imperial Avenue is open Monday through Friday to serve all your healthcare needs including COVID-19. Click on our links below for more information about COVID-19, testing stations in Imperial County, the latest information about COVID-19 Vaccines and a link to the California Department of Public Healths “My Turn” to sign-up for your vaccine!